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CMT Sales Opportunities

The Sales Opportunity Tool gives both the Sales Manager and the Sales Team Members an open system so everyone can work together and keep their sales pipeline managed, prioritized, and reported. The system has private login and password features that ensures privacy for each sales person and a "bird's eye" view of the entire sales pipeline for the management staff. This is the system for sales teams that are spread out and don't necessarily work in the same building, city, state or province, or country.

Sales Opportunities Home The system opens with the entire company sales pipeline available for sales managers, and the individual sales personnel see their personal sales pipeline. The "straight to business" layout of the page directs attention to the Pipeline and gives the reader the controls to filter and sort the pipeline as needed. The home page also gives the user the ability to print out professionally formated reports.
Edit and Update Opportunities
Edit and Update Opportunities The system is simple to use and easy to update individual sales forecasts, sales notes, and sales personnel responsibilities. As changes are made to the sales the forecast is automatically adjusted for the entire Team. This guarantees that all sales information and forecasts are always up-to-date no matter where the team is in the world.
Sales Team Reporting
Sales Reports The system has a reporting system that individuals use to summarize sales activities. Sales Managers use the reports to get a "big picture" view of the entire sales team. The reports are produced by the click of a button, easy to read, and always up-to-date at the time produced.
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